When Cole Benoit was offered a dollar for his handmade paper puppets, he saw opportunity. Like countless entrepreneurs before him, he drafted a business plan, assembled a team, and started a company: Papar Pupit Pepol.
Cole is the awesome 8 year old son of Steve Benoit, my former colleague and a partner at Boston creative agency Plain English. To encourage his son's efforts, Steve wanted to give the company some professional polish. I was commissioned to produce a logo that would capture the founder’s youth without becoming saccharine. After all, the name already had the haphazard spelling of a child. I aimed for “design-focused kids brand,” a balance of sophistication and play.
The official Papar Pupit Pepol site is on its way. Soon, you'll be able to buy a Pupit of your own! Until then, many thanks to the Benoits! This was one of my favorite gigs ever.