
Personal Projects

Halloween 2017: LEGO Batman

One evening, I stumbled upon a video of an elaborate cardboard LEGO minifig costume. As fantastic as it was, I recall thinking that “costume” was generous, as the person within couldn’t actually walk. I set out to design and build my own version, complete with fully-functioning legs. But I couldn’t make just *any* LEGO character… it was Halloween, after all. I decided to work in black (and sometimes, very dark gray). This is the story of the LEGO Batman of Boston.

Product Design

Intel gesture-control prototype

In 2013, a team within Intel’s R&D division called the “Perceptual Computing Group” approached Fresh Tilled Soil with a curious bit of technology: a depth-sensing camera that could recognize objects in 3D space. Paired with the right software, this would enable computers to understand human hand gestures. My colleagues and I designed and developed a fully-functioning prototype application that would demonstrate the technology’s extraordinary potential.