Building digital products is an iterative process, even once the project is complete. Websites and applications are inherently fluid, and post-launch additions, tweaks, and fixes are simply part of the process. The consumption of digital media is just as non-committal. The way we interact with digital experiences is often rushed and unfocused. The content itself is ephemeral, and may disappear altogether at any moment.
This is the world Fresh Tilled Soil has always operated in. It’s an exciting place to be, but sometimes you really just want to slow down. We decided to stop, gather our thoughts, and build something to last. The result was Fold, a thoughtful, highly visual publication that explored Fresh Tilled Soil’s approach to design and problem solving.
My colleagues and I collaborated and contributed across disciplines to produce the inaugural issue. I helped shape the publication’s voice (both visually and verbally), penned an article on connected homes, and illustrated nine portraits, shown below, for a feature on leaders in digital design.